For 2024 entry, UCL Medicine interviews will run from December 2023 through to March 2024. Below are the interview date ranges:
To shortlist candidates for interview, all applications are first checked to ensure that they meet the minimum academic score (e.g. 6 in Mathematics and English Language GCSE).
For 2024 entry, those who pass this minimum requirement will then be ranked based on their BMAT score (the sum of the scores from Section 1 and Section 2; Section 3 will not be included). Candidates must achieve a minimum of 2.5B to be eligible for interview.
The BMAT scores of candidates with widening participation factors will be reviewed separately.
Further details on the shortlisting process for 2024 entry can be accessed here.
At UCL, there are usually over 3,800 applications for the 334 available spaces. They sends interview invitations via email on a rolling basis from December onwards, usually with a minimum of one week’s notice.
UCL has historically used a 20-minute panel interview. For 2024 entry, it will use MMIs (Multiple Mini Interviews) for its Medicine interviews.
UCL has confirmed that the MMIs will be face-to-face at the Bloomsbury campus for home students.
For international students, the interviews will run online. As this is a new interviewing format, there are no details on the number or length of stations yet. UCL recommends that candidates visit the Medical Schools Council website while preparing for their interviews.
The following topics are often covered in UCL Medicine interview questions:
Sample questions might include:
1. Know your Personal Statement like the back of your hand.
At some point in your UCL Medicine interview, you will be asked to talk through your Personal Statement. So make sure you can talk about what’s detailed there, especially work experience and extracurricular activities.
To prepare, print off your Personal Statement and try to work out the areas that you might be asked to expand on.
2. Think about what you wrote in your BMAT essay.
You may be asked to defend your BMAT essay. The BMAT essay has not been part of UCL interviews for the past few years – but with the interview style changing last year for 2023 entry, there is always a chance that it could be reintroduced.
To help you with this, UCL will provide you with a copy of your essay to read while you’re in the waiting room.
If you’re one of the first to be interviewed, you might not have that long to think, so it’s wise prepare in the days coming up to the interview.
3. Keep calm.
There might be times when you get grilled, or asked a question that you really do not have an answer to.
If this happens, stay calm: interviewers want to see how you deal under pressure, which is one of the key skills of being a Doctor.
Ask them to rephrase the question, take some time, and answer it as best you can. If you really don’t know, just tell them that.
All offers will be based on performance at interview.
UCL aims to send out post-interview offers as soon as possible after the interview date. Occasionally candidates may need to wait longer for a response, as UCL may need to wait to review the scores of more candidates before making final decisions.
Decisions will be communicated via UCAS Track and the UCL Applicant Portal.
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