
MMI Courses – Realistic MMI Circuits, Trusted by Thousands Every Year

If you want to turn interviews into offers, you’ll need to master the Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) used by 28 Medical Schools. We’re the original MMI Course creators. Our incredibly popular MMI Circuits are attended by thousands of students, year after year. Choose from in-person or live online. Limited spaces available.

The #1 MMI Prep

Our MMI Course is the most popular way to prepare. Don’t miss out on the MMI Prep that helps thousands of students stand out every year.

Realistic Simulation

Face 20 Doctor-designed MMI stations. Stations are all created to replicate what you’ll experience in your actual MMI.

Refreshed Circuits

We change our online MMIs monthly, and our in person MMI contains totally different questions. Attend new circuits to hone your skills!

Created by Doctors

Our MMI Circuits are designed by Doctors with deep experience of the interview process. We know what unis like to ask and how.

5*-Rated Every Year

We’re platinum 5* award-winners with Feefo, thanks to three years of 5 star reviews. Our MMI Circuits always get top scores.

Impressive Results

Thousands of students attend our MMIs every year and consistently get at least one offer to study Medicine, Dentistry or a related course.

Group 7

“My daughter was very happy with the practice circuit. It’s worth every single penny paid. I do highly recommend it to others. I cannot really thank you enough. It was an absolute treasure.”


MMI Interview Course

Platinum Award-Winning, 5*-Rated Service Provider

We’ve got hundreds of independent five-star reviews on Feefo. That’s why we won their Platinum Trusted Service Award for the second consecutive year in 2023. Our internal feedback system shows recommend rates of over 90%+ from thousands of students.

Get Offers & Get Into Medicine This Year

87% of respondents to our 2022-23 Customer Survey got at least one offer to study Medicine, Dentistry or a related course. 89% of these ‘strongly agreed’ or ‘agreed’ that the prep they did with TMP contributed to this outcome.

Here's What's Included At Our MMI Circuits

The MMI Course experience includes simulation, feedback and takeaway materials.

1. Face 20 MMI Stations

During the session, you'll experience 20 realistic MMI practice stations. You'll do 10 and observe another 10 with a partner.

2. Performance Assessment

You'll receive comprehensive feedback from examiners as you go around the circuit. This fuels further improvement.

3. 100,000-Word Guide

You'll get access to our comprehensive, Doctor-created interview guide. Perfect for cementing post-session learning.

What Do The 20 MMI Stations Cover?

Our MMI Prep stations have been carefully designed by Doctors to represent those used by Medical Schools around the country. You will tackle 10 scenarios yourself, just like a real interview day. Then, you will double up your learning by observing while your partner faces 10 new scenarios. So, you’ll experience 20 stations in total.


Places Sell Out Quickly - Secure Yours Now!

Online or In-Person
MMI Circuits
prices from


MMI Circuits 2024-25

  • Choose In-Person or Online
  • Live Online Circuit £170
  • In-Person Circuit £195
Book Now
Save £459
Interview Packages
prices from


Interview & MMI Prep Packages

  • MMI Circuit + Interview Strategy Course
  • Season-long Online Interview Course
  • Interview Tutoring, Mocks, Bootcamps
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See What Happens At Our MMI Interview Courses

Want to know how our MMI Circuits work? No problem. We’ve created a snappy 60-second video to show you what happens at our MMI Course – and what students make of it. Remember, this much-loved structure is also available live online!

Group 8

Includes The Ultimate, Doctor-Created Guide

  • Interview Preparation Checklist
  • Core Knowledge of the NHS, Ethics and Current Affairs
  • Buzzwords and Glossary of Terms
  • Types of Medical Trial
  • How to Tackle Drug Calculations
  • 100 Common Interview Questions
  • MMI Mark Schemes
  • Drug Calculations: Answers

Choose In-Person MMI Circuits or Live Online

During the Covid pandemic, many Medical Schools moved their MMIs online. We did the same with our MMI Circuits. Now, we’re perfectly placed to offer the best of both worlds! We’re able to run our top-selling MMI Circuits in-person, or you can choose a live online circuit if you prefer.

Group 7

“I did the MMI Circuit earlier this year. I just want to say THANK YOU! It was an immensely useful experience. I had two interviews and have two offers – I will be starting at KCL this September!”


MMI Interview Course Attendee

Save 20% With Interview & MMI Packages

Combine MMI Circuits with Doctor-delivered strategies at our 1-day Interview Courses. You’ll also get Online Interview Course access – plus options to include Mock Interviews, Interview Tutoring and our week-long Interview Bootcamp. Save 20% – and up to £459!

See Packages

NEW! Unlimited Course Pass

Access all in-person, live online and e-learning courses for 12 months. Get the deal of the season!

Go Unlimited

Looking for Dentistry MMIs?

We run dentistry-specific circuits!

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Teachers! Get Discounts For Your School...

We now deliver this MMI Interview Course in schools! One of our team would be happy to discuss your needs, offer some free advice and see if our discounted rates work for you and your students.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We've answered some common queries about our MMI Interview Course

Do you have in-person MMI Courses?

Yes. You can choose between in-person circuits and live online. Live online options can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

What's the difference between the MMI Course and the Medicine Interview Course?

The MMI Circuits simulate a real MMI interview. The Interview Course is about teaching strategy for every interview type. Many students use both for their interview preparation – and you can save 20% when you book our Interview & MMI Package.

Can I get a discount if I buy more than one course?

Yes. We have an Interview & MMI Package that will save you 20% on MMI Circuits, Interview Courses, our Online Interview Course and Tutoring (if you need it).

How will I know how to join the live online course?

If you have booked a live online course, we’ll send you instructions for joining by email in advance of your course date.

When will I receive the link to join my live online course?

You will be emailed a link to join a few days before your course date. Please ensure you check your junk email inbox if you cannot find it. If you have not received anything by 5pm on the Thursday before your weekend course, send us an email to inform us.

Ready to book? Secure your place now.

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