When your child is applying to study Medicine, they can choose four Medical Schools for their UCAS application. They also get a fifth choice, which can be used for a course other than Medicine.
It’s important for your child to choose Medical Schools which are right for them – and there are a variety of ways you can help with this.
When your child is at Medical School, they will be there for 5-6 years. This means that it’s important for them to be somewhere they feel comfortable.
Would they prefer a city or a campus university? Would they like to stay closer to home or venture further away? Have they got their sights set on a particular place, like London? Help them to go through their options and consider the pros and cons of different options.
Entry requirements are a crucial aspect of selecting a Medical School. With most other degrees, you just need to consider academic achievements such as GCSEs and A-Levels. When you’re applying for Medicine, GCSEs and A-Levels are still important, but there are other things you need to consider too.
For example, some Medical Schools want applicants to take the UCAT test, while others require the BMAT test. Some UCAT universities will only interview candidates who have achieved a high UCAT score, while others are more open to considering candidates with an average score or a low score.
Encourage your child to choose their Medical Schools strategically, because this will increase their chances of getting shortlisted for interviews.
Open days are a great way to get an insight into what different universities are like. Sit down with your child and help them to make a list of their top Medical School choices. Then, check when the open days are and start making plans to attend.
During any open days, encourage them to take some notes. What is the Medical School’s teaching style? What will the first year of the course involve? Is there a particular emphasis on patient contact? This will be a good record to have, so they can compare notes and weigh up different Medical Schools later.
The best support you can give your child in choosing a Medical School is being open to talk to them about how they are feeling about different universities.
The process of selecting Medical Schools and attending open days can feel overwhelming, so talk through any worries or concerns they may have and reassure them that you’re there to support them.
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