13th December 2018
Join us for the latest medical news, including: a baby born from a dead womb transplant and elderly mental decline...
11th December 2018
From Dr. House to Dr Perry Cox, here we list our favourite fictional doctors. Who's your favourite? Vote here!
6th December 2018
NHS England launches initiative introducing mental health checks for parents..catch up with all the latest medical news here!
28th November 2018
A scientist in China claims to have helped make the world's first genetically edited babies.
22nd October 2018
From finding medical work experience now to focusing on your A-Levels, here's one student's top tips for aspiring medics starting sixth form!
18th July 2018
We speak to Adam Kay about his best-selling book, This is Going to Hurt, and his advice to aspiring medics...
10th April 2018
Our new series explores skills needed for medicine - here, we explore easy ways to demonstrate people skills.
3rd April 2018
Our new series explores skills needed for medicine - here, we explore easy ways to demonstrate teamwork.
In this post, Masumah suggests practical ways of figuring out if medicine is the right career for you.
21st March 2018
Our new series explores skills needed for medicine - here, we explore easy ways to demonstrate a desire to teach and learn.
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