UCAT 2020 registration is now open!
After a period of uncertainty, you can finally book your UCAT test date.
This means you need to answer some important questions. Here are 5 things you need to be thinking about right now…
Keep reading to get all you need to answer the above!
This year, UCAT registration will commence on the 1st of July 2020. This is later than usual, due to the impact of Covid-19.
Registration will close on the 17th of September 2020.
To be able to book a test, candidates must create an online Pearson Vue account.
Remember, this can’t be done before the 1st of July – you will need to wait until registration opens.
It is important to register your legal name (no nicknames) as it appears on the photo ID that you intend to use to verify your identity.
The last thing you want is to prepare really hard for the exam and then be unable to sit it because the names do not match!
Ok, you’ve registered. That’s it right? Not quite! You still need to book a test date.
After completing the registration process, you will be contacted with login details. You’ll need these to proceed with booking your UCAT test date.
UCAT booking opens at the same time as registration: 9AM on the 1st of July. Web bookings close when registration does, at midday on the 17th of September.
Even though you can still book a test until midday on the 30th of September 2020, this will incur a fee. In any case, it’s best to register early!
There are two ways for candidates to sit UCAT this year – either at a test centre or UCAT Online, which is an online proctored test that can be sat at home.
This means that you will have to answer a question that no other generation of UCAT takers has ever had to consider: do I take it at home, or in a test centre?
Some may prefer the formality of a test centre, whilst others may thrive in the familiarity of their home.
Whichever way you choose, there are slightly different steps that need to be taken depending on how you wish to sit the exam.
Candidates who are booking UCAT Online should select the ‘at a home or office’ option. Those who wish to sit the exam at a test centre should select ‘at a local test centre’.
Give this careful thought before selecting your preferred option!
All candidates sitting UCAT 2020 are advised to sit the test at the earliest possible convenience.
The global pandemic may cause unpredictability that could affect the availability of local test centres later on in the cycle.
Those who intend to sit UCAT at a test centre should book as soon as possible so that they do not face potential hurdles such as rescheduling, or needing to sit UCAT Online instead due to test centre closure.
Whether you take the exam at a test centre or at home, the earlier you sit the exam, the more time you will have to consider your options and apply strategically.
For this reason, we recommend that you don’t leave things until the last minute!
As UCAT season officially kicks off, now is the perfect time to get stuck into your preparation.
If you’re not sure where to begin, check out our recently updated UCAT Application Guide.
There you will find detailed breakdowns of each UCAT section, how they are scored and how you can begin your preparation for the big day.
If you’re already deep into your UCAT preparation, why not try our UCAT Question Bank for free?
Top Tips For Sitting UCAT Online At Home
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