Wondering when the medical schools you’ve applied to will start sending their interviews? You’ve come to the right place! In the table below you can see when each medical school interview invitations are sent out, when they hold their interviews as well as the format of them so you know what to expect.
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University | When do they hold their interviews? | When do they typically send interview invitations? | Interview style |
Aberdeen | November - end of February | Candidates will know before Christmas if they have been successful or unsuccessful in gaining an interview | MMI |
Barts and The London | They interview some applicants as late as February. | They aim to send all invites out just before Christmas, although some may be delayed until the early new year. | Traditional |
Birmingham | Medicine interviews take place from end of November to middle of February with a break for Christmas. | Birmingham state that they try to give about two weeks' notice but it is not always possible. Have started sending invites. | MMI |
Brighton and Sussex | First week of January | Early to mid-December | MMI |
Bristol | Interviews generally held between November and April | Decisions about whether to invite applicants to interview are made on a rolling basis. They have started sending out interview invitations and will continue to do so until March. | MMI |
Cambridge | First three weeks of December | Applicants are generally given around two weeks notice, however this can vary from College to College. | Traditional |
Cardiff | 4th of December 2017 – 14th December 2017 and 16th January 2018 – 26th January 2018. | Have started sending invitations (November) | MMI |
Dundee | December - January | Not yet confirmed | MMI |
Edinburgh | N/A - do not interview | N/A - do not interview | N/A - do not interview |
Exeter | 4th - 9th December 2017. | Invitations will be sent from 13th November 2017. | MMI |
Glasgow | December - February | The first session of interviews commence the week of 11th December, applicants can expect invitations approximately 2 weeks prior. | Traditional |
Hull York | December - January | From mid-November onwards. | MMI |
Imperial | December - March | Interview invitations will be issued from Monday 5th December and will continue being sent through until March. | Traditional |
Keele | December - March | Not yet confirmed | MMI |
King's | End of November - end of March | Rolling basis - they try to invite all applicants a month in advance of the interview date but depending on the point of applying an invite could be made two to three weeks in advance. | MMI |
Lancaster | January - February | Candidates will be given two weeks' notice of their MMI date | MMI |
Leeds | December - January | Just before Christmas break or just after | MMI |
Leicester | November - February | They will begin sending out invitations late November 2017 and this will continue until February 2018. | MMI |
Liverpool | 29th January 2018; 5th February 2018; 12th February 2018 | After the Christmas break in early January. | MMI |
Manchester | Early 2018 | Invitations to attend an interview will be sent before the end of December 2017. | MMI |
Newcastle | Late January - late February | Invitations sent between mid-end of November 2017 and the end of January 2018. | MMI |
Norwich | December - March | Strongest applicants invited to interview from December onwards | MMI |
Nottingham | The first set of interviews will take place on 11 December 2017 and there will be 5 sets of interviews in total before the end of 2017. | Admissions will be aiming to complete Personal Statement scoring by the beginning of December, and invitations will be sent after this. | MMI |
Oxford | Provisionally on Thursday and Friday, 14th and 15th December 2017 | All applicants will be emailed by 28th November 2017. | Traditional |
Plymouth | Beginning in December | November | Traditional |
Queen's Belfast | Provisionally January 17, 18 and 19 and March 14 2018 | Not yet confirmed | MMI |
Sheffield | December - January | Successful applicants can expect to receive an invitation to interview by 18th November 2017. | MMI |
Southampton | 1st, 6th, 26th, 27th, 28th February; 1st, 5th, 6th March | Applicants invited on a rolling basis. | Traditional |
St Andrews | December - March | Candidates will be given two weeks' notice if they are invited to interview. | MMI |
St George's | December - April | December or January | MMI |
UCL | December - March (UK school-leavers are normally interviewed in February and March. However it is possible for any applicant to be called to interview at any time during the season) | Invitations to interview are issued on a rolling basis throughout the season, with candidates normally being given two weeks' notice. | Traditional |
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