Practice thousands of UCAT questions with our UCAT Question Bank. When you're ready for a practice UCAT test, take our full-length UCAT mocks to see your score. Use your dashboard to track your revision and monitor your improvement, then benchmark your performance against other users. Start with the free UCAT questions below or subscribe to access the Question Banks and six mocks.
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Answer 39 questions in timed conditions and get an illustrative score to discover your current level. Use this to inform your UCAT revision.
Includes sample questions from every section of the UCAT, giving you another chance to try out our platform before you subscribe for more questions.
Try our free verbal reasoning questions and get a sense of what to expect from the most challenging subtest. In the UCAT, you get 21 mins to answer 44 VR questions.
Experience the Decision Making subtest with these free UCAT questions in a realistic test environment. In the UCAT, you get 31 mins to answer 29 DM questions.
Boost your Quantitative Reasoning UCAT practice by working through these free questions. In the UCAT, you get 25 mins to answer 36 QR questions.
Try your hand at free UCAT SJT practice questions, written by Doctors to mirror the exam. In the UCAT, you get 26 mins to answer 69 SJT questions.
Get access to thousands of UCAT questions plus six full UCAT and UCATSEN mocks when you subscribe.
Our trusted UCAT preparation is used by thousands of students and hundreds of top schools worldwide, every single year. In addition to our question bank, we offer live teaching, e-learning strategy and 1-2-1 tutoring. All designed to help you to unlock higher UCAT scores!
The UCAT Question Bank is sponsored by University of Nicosia Medical School. Learn more and apply today!
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