As September approaches the UCLan Medical School are familiar with the types of questions that are running through the minds of students.
Whether you’re searching for a university, or waiting for your results, it’s an exciting and nerve-racking time, so that’s why we have teamed up with one of our second year MBBS students to answer some important questions and give some helpful tips on how to succeed at medical school.
Dean Hardy has given us an insight into how he copes with the workload, stress and pressure that comes with being a medical student. He’s also given his top tips on what it takes to succeed.
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The range of content you will learn in medical school is beyond anything else you will ever learn. You will get pushed to your limits and that’s why it’s important to have a range of coping mechanisms to help alleviate any stress.
Personally, what has always worked for me is writing lecture notes up before the class, listening and adding onto the notes in class, then spending an hour after class going over it.
This requires constant organisation and time-keeping, but by doing this, you give yourself targets. It motivates you, and you still find plenty of free time around studying to relax.
During exams, I tend to go into hibernation, set out a timetable (again motivating myself with targets) and study for long hours. Unfortunately, there are no real short cuts in medicine; you have to put in the long hours to be rewarded.
Read 7 Tips for Keeping on Top of Your Workload in Med School
The course is full on, but if you organise yourself, you will have plenty of free time. Monday to Friday, I get up around 6am and go straight to the gym.
Following that I have a shower, have my breakfast and I’m sat with a coffee reviewing the day ahead by 8am, ready for a 9am start. My day normally finishes around 5pm, but I will stick around for a few hours, in the anatomy lab, to review any work I did not understand.
I work hard during the week day, so I can have weekends off. On Saturdays and Sundays, for most of term, I do not touch a single piece of work.
Instead, I spend my weekends going out with friends, playing football, eating out and simply relaxing. By Monday I’m fresh again. Setting targets in Medical School really does help.
Read 5 Secrets of Surviving First Year of Med School
Read 5 Things to Know Before Choosing a Med School
This post was created as part of a sponsored collaboration with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)
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