Finding out as much information as you can before your medical school interview is the best way to prepare and will reduce your chances of being caught out. You should also use the opportunity to explore the facilities and get a feel of your potential university. Here are some top tips…
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Find out more about UCLanMMIs (Multiple Mini Interviews) are a popular new way of interviewing students applying to medical schools. The process involves a number of stations situated around the room which give you the opportunity to demonstrate your skills and ability to think on your feet. The assessor could be a scientist, a clinical teacher or a patient volunteer. You will have a set number of minutes at each station. However, don’t worry – it will go a lot faster than you realise.
You may be asked to a regular panel-style interview, in which case you should do your research to find out what kind of questions you may be asked. Use online forums and talk to current students about their interview experiences. You may be asked questions regarding skills, ethics and why you chose medicine.
Listen to what your interviewer is asking you, process the question and take your time when answering. It is easy to let nerves get the best of you, but don’t risk giving poor answers by rushing. Likewise – if you do not understand the question, try not to guess. Ask your interviewer if they could please phrase the question differently.
An interview is a two-way process, so make sure you use the opportunity to ask your own questions. More often than not, your interviewer will prompt you anyway so it will reflect positively on you if you come prepared. You may want to ask questions about the facilities, or ask about postgraduate progression.
Make sure you keep up to date with medical news. Get into the habit of reading online journals and articles, because you never know if your interviewer will bring up current affairs. It is also a good idea to summarise any work experience you have had in the run-up to your interview.
Above all – relax! You have succeeded by getting an interview for medical school, which is a huge achievement in itself. Remember to be prepared, be confident, and take your time on the big day. Good luck!
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