Since our last table posted in November garnered so much success, here’s a late Christmas pressie with our new and improved Medical School Interview Updates table!
So, relax and don’t panic if your friends on The Student Room or at school have heard back from various Medical Schools and you haven’t. There is no need to give up hope! Most schools send out invitations to interview on a rolling basis, and many of these continue until March.
A word of caution, although our team of dedicated student helpers worked oh so hard to obtain the following information, the data we’ve collected is entirely dependent on what we’ve been told. Therefore, this table is as accurate as possible at the time of writing on the 14th January 2016.
Please don’t hesitate to send us any lovely messages or emails to [email protected] pointing out where we can improve the table in order to give you and your peers the most correct information!
Finally, here are a few of our medical school interview help tools to aid you in your preparation for the big day: interview courses; MMI practice circuits; online mock interviews; free interview question bank.
And without further ado, find the table below*!
*Please note, some spaces have been left blank due to limited correspondence with various schools. We’re working to complete this ASAP.
Uploaded by Roya on the 15th January, 2016
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