1st November 2023
So, you’ve applied for your medicine place in October and now you wait patiently for your GAMSAT, UCAT or BMAT entrance exam results to find out if you’ll be selected for interview. But what happens next and what should you expect when these results are released?

Ensure Your University Can Access Your Exam Results

Before your results are even released, the first thing to do is to check that your chosen universities can access your test results. 

Universities are not guaranteed to receive your results directly from the exam boards, so it’s important to ensure that you make your results available to them. For GAMSAT for example, you can let Acer know that you consent to your scores being shared with your chosen universities by simply providing your UCAS ID. 

Allowing your scores to go directly to your chosen universities will take the pressure off you and make the process much smoother for those universities when making decisions. 

What Do Universities Do When They Receive Your Exam Results?

The process after receiving test results will differ from one university to another, but at Swansea, here’s how it goes.

Each year, once all GAMSAT results have been received, eligible applicants will be ranked by their GAMSAT performance. Swansea will typically interview approximately 400 applicants for 150 positions to provide everyone with the best possible chance of securing their place to study medicine.

A cut-off score is established and the top scorers will be invited to interview.  

Let’s Not Forget About Contextual Offers

Some universities do take personal circumstances and external factors into consideration when considering your application and will provide prospective students with contextual offers.

For example, Swansea ringfences some interview spots for Welsh-domiciled students to meet local workforce needs through its Doctors for Wales initiative.  Be sure to look into what’s on offer at all your chosen universities. 


It’s not too late to add a 5th Choice!

Choose a Pathway to Medicine at Swansea University Medical School

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What Happens If You Haven’t Met The Cut-off Score?

If you haven’t met the mark with your entrance exam, don’t panic, it’s not over yet!

If you have used your UCAS 5th choice, you could still be on track for a place at university next September. A 5th choice can be used for whichever subject area you choose, whether that’s a totally unrelated subject to medicine, or a degree in Biomedical science with a view to applying for Graduate Entry Medicine in the future.

At Swansea, Pathways to Medicine degrees could even land you a guaranteed interview for the University’s own Graduate Entry Medicine course.

What’s important to remember is that undergraduate medicine is not the only route to medicine and using that 5th choice is a great way to make the most out of your application and give yourself a backup from the start.

Don’t worry if you have submitted your application without adding in a 5th choice. You can go back and add a course right up until UCAS’s January deadline.


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