*6th October 2017 UPDATE: final UCAT scores have now been released! Find out what they are here.*
Have you already sat the UKCAT or looking to take it soon? Wondering what the interim UKCAT scores are? You’ve come to the right place!
The official UKCAT website has just released the interim UKCAT scores for candidates sitting the test – so you can use the tables below to see how competitive your score is. It is important to note, however, that some students haven’t taken their test yet – so these figures may change!
The 2017 mean average score (up to 8th September) is 2598.
Verbal Reasoning Decision Making Quantitative Reasoning Abstract Reasoning Decision Analysis Total Score
Mean 2017 score (to 8th September) 582 658 715 643 N/A 2598
2016 (end of testing) 573 N/A 690 630 N/A 1893
These are the interim results for Situational Judgement:
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4
2017 (to 8th September) 31% 42% 19% 8%
2016 (end of testing) 26% 44% 22% 9%
The official UKCAT website has published information on the deciles for this year’s scores – each decile represents 10% of candidates based on their overall performance. However, remember that these scores may change.
Decile 2017 (to 8th September) 2016 (end of testing)
1st 2280 1640
2nd 2400 1730
3rd 2480 1790
4th 2540 1850
5th 2600 1890
6th 2660 1940
7th 2730 1990
8th 2800 2060
9th 2920 2150
Don’t worry! There’s still time to get your BMAT score up to scratch, and there are a range of ways we can help:
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