26th January 2023
Check out these tips that will help you demonstrate the depth and breadth of your interest in Medicine at interview.
17th January 2023
Follow these tips to showcase your knowledge of the Medical School you're interviewing for and explain why you applied there.
10th January 2023
Follow these Medical School interview tips to demonstrate that you're truly motivated to get into Medicine.
22nd November 2022
Prepare for MMI resilience and probity stations at your Medical School interview with these four tips from a medical student.
22nd October 2019
Receiving an interview offer is an exciting step but you might be nervous about your upcoming MMI. Use these six MMI interview tips to help you complete it!
11th December 2018
What should you definitely do while waiting between MMI interview stations? Our helpful tips cover how to manage your stress levels and stay confident...
3rd December 2018
Keep in mind these key strategies when you approach your MMI role-play stations and you'll do great!
19th October 2015
We've pulled together our seven best tips for MMI success - with some updates for online MMIs and details on how to prepare
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