5th March 2018
Medical work experience places fill up fast. Here are five easy tricks to help you secure the right placement for you!
27th February 2018
Medical work experience is extremely varied and you may be surprised at the things you learn - hear one student's experiences here.
31st August 2017
Wondering how to effectively reflect on your work experience? Read one student's top tips on how to make the most of your medical work experience!
27th June 2017
Wondering how to keep an effective medical work experience diary? Find out how to make the most of your experiences in this blog!
31st May 2017
Looking for work experience? Our writer discusses volunteering in a school for children with special needs, and using your experience in your application.
30th May 2017
So, you want to apply to Medicine but you’re struggling to find medical work experience. What next? This blog will detail your next steps!
18th May 2017
GP work experience can be one of the most insightful learning opportunities for prospective medical students. Learn how to gain a GP placement in this blog!
11th May 2017
Looking for medical work experience? This blog is a detailed three-step guide to securing work experience and preparing for your placement.
28th April 2017
Going into your work experience prepared with questions will help ensure you get the most out of it - here are five questions for you to keep in mind before starting your placement.
10th April 2017
One student writes about her experience as a London Nightline volunteer and how it has developed her skills for medicine, including empathy and teamwork.
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