Love it or loathe it, you’ll inevitably spend a lot of time in the library at uni – whether you’re powering through exam revision, or just taking a much-needed nap.
But going to the library isn’t as simple as you might imagine. There are codes, decimals, floors and shelves. And books. So many books.
For you fresh-faced first-years out there, even once you’ve mastered navigating the library, you might still feel like an amateur among the second and third-year students.
So, here are some handy tips on etiquette from a library pro to help you out.
Liberty Living residences are the perfect place for busy medical students and student nurses looking for hassle-free and comfortable accommodation options.
Find out more about Liberty LivingWhisper – it’s a no-brainer. You shouldn’t really be talking at all (because you’re supposed to be working or reading, remember?).
If you break this golden rule of library-going and talk louder than necessary, you may have a sharp ‘shush’ coming your way (the kind of attention you really don’t want).
Whether the headphones are actually in your ears as you listen to music or just lying idly on the desk, it’s very important they’re plugged into your laptop or phone.
Why? Firstly, if you put your headphones in, it’s the universal ‘do not disturb’ sign, so you can study in peace.
Secondly, it’ll save you from forgetting your volume is maxed out and accidentally clicking on one of those viral Facebook meme videos, allowing the entire library to hear. Happens way more than you think…
Not only do you seem instantly smarter, but also, stacking up as many books as you possibly can will save you from being that annoying person creating a draught by running up and down the shelves every five minutes to source more references for that last-minute assignment.
No one likes a distracting draught.
That said, don’t add any books to your book tower that you don’t really need.
If you take extra books for the sake of it, you’re wasting library resources and probably other people’s precious time.
You probably scoffed as you read that.
I mean, duh, it’s straight-up creepy to just stare at people in general. But, believe me, you’ll find yourself doing this way more in a library than you’ll care to admit.
Perhaps you’re daydreaming, and your gaze accidentally lands on someone. Or, just as likely, you’ve probably found some eye-candy to distract you from revision.
Most, if not all libraries, have a strict no food and drink policy (except bottled water).
But, if you really must sneak in a little power snack, at least make it a quiet bite that you can conceal between your folders or in your bag.
Don’t forget to tear open any noisy wrappers before walking in the library and avoid anything with a crunch.
If you’re always catching your table neighbour’s eye to initiate small talk (which, let’s be honest, nobody really enjoys), you’ll probably just drive them away to another table. Especially if they’re mid-dissertation.
Most people go to the library to study, so it’s best to respect their wishes.
Liberty Living residences are the perfect place for busy medical students and student nurses looking for hassle-free and comfortable accommodation options.
Liberty Living also offer short terms stays and flexible starting dates across 19 UK cities. Find out more here.
Find out more about Liberty LivingWords: Holly Dejsupa (sponsored post by Liberty Living)
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