16th January 2025
Waiting for offers for medical school after your interviews can be an anxiety-inducing experience for many applicants, especially if you’re studying for exams simultaneously. This guide should give you an idea of when you will hear back from the individual universities, why these decisions may be delayed, and your options if your application is unsuccessful for 2025 entry.

When Can You Expect Your Medical School Offers?

  • Aberdeen University – Offers will be made by the end of March when the interview cycle is complete.
  • Anglia Ruskin University – Offers will be received by the end of February 2025.
  • Aston University – Offers will be sent out after March but before mid-May.
  • Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry – Offers sent out after all interviews are completed in March.
  • Birmingham University – All decisions aim to be made and communicated to UCAS by mid-March.
  • Brighton and Sussex Medical School – Offers will be made to successful candidates between January and April.
  • Bristol University – Offers will be sent out between January and April.
  • Brunel University – Offers are typically sent out around four weeks after the interviews, which start from February 2025.
  • University of Buckingham – Offers will generally be made around March, however some offers may still be made around June time. 
  • Cambridge University – Offers will be sent out before the end of January.
  • Cardiff University – Offers will typically be made after January but this varies.
  • University of Central Lancashire – Decisions will be made 2-3 weeks after your interview.
  • Dundee University – Decisions are usually made by the end of March.
  • Edge Hill – Top-ranking students will be offered a place “soon after their interview” however decision-making for other applicants may be delayed, especially if they are on the reserve list.
  • Edinburgh University – Offers will be sent out by mid-May.
  • Exeter University – Decisions made by the end of March.
  • Glasgow University – Decisions made by the end of March.
  • Hull York Medical School – Offers will be sent out from February onwards.
  • Imperial College London – Offers are continually sent out after interviews are completed, but are usually sent by end of March.
  • Keele University – Offers are sent on a rolling basis after interviews have finished
  • Kent and Medway Medical School – Offers made between January and May.
  • King’s College London – Offers sent from March 2025 onwards.
  • Lancaster University – Offers are made after interviews finish in mid-February.
  • Leicester University – Offers are usually sent out March onwards.
  • Leeds University – Offers will usually be sent from March onwards.
  • Liverpool University – Offers will usually be sent out in March.
  • Manchester University – Offers will usually be sent out between March and May.
  • Newcastle University – Offers will be sent once all interviews are finished, usually from March onwards.
  • Norwich Medical School (UEA) – Decisions will usually be made in March.
  • Nottingham University – Offers will typically be given out in March.
  • Plymouth University – Offers are typically given out when all interviews have been completed in early March.
  • Queen’s University Belfast – Majority of offers are given out in late March/early April with a small number being given out in February.
  • University of St Andrews – Most decisions will be made around mid-March.
  • St Georges, University of London – You can be notified of an outcome any time between November and May, but typically within 8-12 weeks of your interview.
  • Sheffield University – Offers will usually be sent out from April onwards.
  • Sunderland University – Most offers will be made in February however all decisions will be submitted to UCAS by 31 March.
  • Oxford University – Decisions will be released on the morning of 14th January 2025.
  • UCL – Aim to release decisions  by the end of April.
  • University of Worcester – Timings of UCAS decisions are not detailed on the website and are difficult to predict as Worcester Medical School opened in 2023.
  • University of Chester – Timings of UCAS decisions are not detailed on the website and are difficult to predict as Chester Medical School welcomed its first cohort of medical students in 2024.
  • Ulster University – Offers are made after all candidates have been interviewed, usually in late April/early May.
  • Swansea – Offers are usually sent out in May when the interview cycle is complete.
  • Warwick University – Offers are made within two months of the MMI which is typically in late February. 
  • University of Southampton – Decisions made between January and March.

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Why Could A Decision On Your Application Be Delayed?

There are a few different reasons why a university’s decision about your application may be delayed, including:

  • The university has experienced a surge in applications meaning the application process is taking longer.
  • If you are somebody who is sitting IB and has missed the grades for Medicine, the university may be waiting for A-level results to match your marks. 
  • Strike action of university staff may mean that the rollout of offers is delayed.
  • You haven’t completed your IELTS test if you are an international student.

What To Do If You Get A Rejection

First things first: look after yourself. Less than 16% of Medicine/dentistry applications result in an offer. 

You have done your best, many applicants are experiencing the same thing as you and this isn’t the end of your medical career if you don’t want it to be!

If you have received a rejection, there are multiple possible pathways for you to consider:

  1. Graduate-Entry Medicine

You can study your 5th choice subject (or a different life science) and apply to Medicine as a graduate afterwards. This course is shorter but has extra financial considerations.

  1. Gap Year

If you anticipate achieving AAA in your A Levels then you may choose to take a gap year and reapply to medical school in October. If you choose this option, it is important to focus on the elements of your application that need improving this time around.

  1. Studying Abroad

Another option is to consider studying Medicine abroad. There are reputable medical schools in other countries that offer programs taught in English. However, it’s important to thoroughly research and ensure that the qualifications obtained from these schools are recognized in the UK if the intention is to practice Medicine here.

  1. Alternative Career

For some people, the idea of reapplying to Medicine at any stage isn’t appealing. You may choose to do a different healthcare course (e.g. physiotherapy, radiography, etc) or to change paths altogether. Many courses will accept applications through UCAS extra, so you may not have to wait until results day to obtain a place on a different course.


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