The single most important thing you can do over the summer is rest and relax. You’ve just finished an intense year of applying for Medical School and preparing for your A-Level exams. Take some time out to look after yourself and spend time with friends, family and/or by yourself.
Now is the time to pursue your hobbies and interests to the full. Once you start Medical School, you will realise how valuable this free time really is!
It might be useful to get a summer job – this could contribute towards your living expenses at university or perhaps fund some summer travels. It will also help you to gain independence and learn some new skills.
You could also sign up for some volunteering if you want to do some rewarding this summer. Volunteering is a productive and beneficial way to spend your free time.
If you want to get a taster of what Medical School is like during the summer, or experience medical work in a real hospital setting, learn more about Medicine summer schools.
If you are able to, travelling is a great way to develop your independence and confidence whilst exploring new places. You’ll face plenty of this when you start university, from navigating a new town or city alone to finding your way around unfamiliar university buildings.
As a student, you will also need to cook for yourself. If you aren’t already comfortable with this, learning to cook a few basic recipes before leaving home is a good way to ease into university life. Studying Medicine can be intense with lots of contact hours, so having some quick recipes up your sleeve will certainly make life easier.
Your university might send you some paperwork or emails following results day. Make sure you read these carefully before term starts. They might provide details of your arrival, accommodation and useful contacts. It could also be worth downloading a map of the campus or local area, so you know where things are when you arrive.
Reading your course handbook is also useful to do before beginning your studies. There will be plenty of time in the first couple of weeks to ask questions and sort things out before your course properly begins.
Your Medical School will let you know in advance if you have any specific tasks to do before arrival. There’s no need to really think about the course until it starts! The summer is, instead, a great opportunity to read what interests you. You might want to keep thinking about Medicine by reading some relevant books and casually keeping up-to-date with medical news over the summer break.
It’s a good idea to create a list of things you will need to take with you to university. This includes supplies for your course (do you need to get any specific books?) and for your accommodation.
Make a list and figure out if you already have things you need at home (e.g. kitchen equipment), or if you need to buy any supplies.
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