Published on 23rd November 2017 by lauram

Tips for Dundee Medicine Interview

Looking for top tips for a Dundee medicine interview? You’ve come to the right place!

Interview format: MMI

Applying to Medicine for 2018 entry? Book a space on our newly announced MMI Circuits!

Book an MMI Circuit

At the Dundee medicine interview, applicants are assessed on their ability to demonstrate good communication skills in a number of MMI stations. This assessment can be in various forms and consists of role play scenarios as well as problem-solving under pressure, which requires communication with an actor.

1. Practice role play scenarios before your Dundee medicine interview

In order to score highly, it is important that you practice role play scenarios. Ask a friend to act out a role which may involve scenarios where you are broaching a sensitive topic such as a recent bereavement, or a traumatic event such as car accident.

It’s important to keep it natural and not robotic but having practice of these types of scenarios will be beneficial. You should show your human side and demonstrate empathy where appropriate.

2. Be aware of the medical school’s curriculum and style of teaching

One of the questions most medical schools will pose is to ask you why you wish to attend this school over others. It is therefore important you research the style of teaching and the curriculum.

Why would the teaching at Dundee suit you? Dundee is a systems-based course where you are taught basic science of a body system in the first week weeks followed by clinical teaching in the latter weeks.

This differs from other universities and the more traditional courses where science is taught for the first two years with clinical years following from years four to five. Teaching is of a mixed nature which combines lectures, workshops, tutorials and ward teaching. It is important you are able to articulate why the style of teaching would suit your learning style.

3. Consider professionalism in medicine

Medical schools place a great deal of emphasis on professionalism and may ask applicants their thoughts on certain topics relating to professionalism. Research and be able to refer to General Medical Council (GMC) guidelines.

Be able to show that you understand the roles and increased responsibilities placed on you as medical students and future doctors, and the importance of professionalism in medicine.

Words: MA


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