Talented students from all over the world are encouraged to apply for the admission process, which is unique but far less complicated as compared to the one for other med schools. Humanitas University, in fact, has developed the new HUMAT test, which evaluates what applicants can do, not what they already know.
It looks for a set of skills and abilities that shows the candidate can meet the academic standards, has acquired competence in scientific reasoning, is able to self-regulate the learning process, and can make correct decisions. The test has been designed alongside experts from the University of Cambridge, Imperial College, University of Oxford Medical School and Leeds Medical School.
Humanitas University’s Medical School offers the perfect blend of theory and practice. Courses allow students to develop critical and autonomous reasoning, thanks to theoretical interdisciplinary modules, with practical experience and simulation activities intertwined. All teaching activities take place under the guidance of professors and researchers with international experience, as well as 150 doctors, who also work as tutors and members of the teaching community. An International Advisory Board supports Humanitas University in its educational and training goals.
Starting from their third year, students start the clinical clerkship in the various Humanitas hospitals under the supervision of specialised tutors, who follow undergraduates during their clinical practice.
Third-year students can also join Virgilio Program, an innovative pre-graduate training programme in biomedical research. Students can integrate their curriculum with inter-disciplinary seminars, interactive teaching activities and laboratory experience (one month a year) to enable active participation in scientific research.
The degree in Medicine and Surgery earned at Humanitas University is internationally recognised, therefore graduates will have the opportunity to work in Italy, in their home country, and in any other nation.
For example, those who wish to start a residency in the US after graduation will be absolutely prepared for this career path. That’s because Humanitas University organizes the six-year course “USMLE and more”: a course that lasts less than one week every year and prepares students to face the US Medical Licensing Examination.
Humanitas University has also provided additional support to students during COVID-19: learning is currently being offered both in-person and online, and classes are recorded to ensure international students can continue their studies without disruption.
Lecture halls and rooms, as well as the Student House, are in the Campus. This is where students can make the most of their University experience and meet up with fellow undergraduates from over 20 countries worldwide (international students make up the 40% of the total student population).
Humanitas University’s Campus also hosts the Mario Luzzatto Simulation Center: over 3000 sq.m. dedicated to simulation and hands-on anatomy laboratories. Students can put into practice what is learned during lessons, thanks to simulation activities and cutting-edge devices. For example, they can use Anatomage, which is a system of real human anatomy in 3D that boasts an unprecedented level of accuracy and precision. This tool helps students develop a more comprehensive understanding of anatomy as compared to the traditional anatomical table.
To join Humanitas University’s Medical School you can now register for the home-based admission test. The second call for non-EU students is scheduled for 8th July 2021 and there are still 10 spots available.
If you are looking for an intensive course that allows you to approach the HUMAT admission test in a mindful way, check out all the information and register for Humanitas University’s online Preparation Weeks.
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