22nd September 2022
Follow these four steps to get the ball rolling and start writing your Medicine Personal Statement.

1. Do some pre-reading

First of all, have a look at some real examples to find out what a Medicine Personal Statement looks like. This should help you get into the right mindset and give you some inspiration for your own Personal Statement.

It’s also vital to understand the structure of a Medicine Personal Statement before you start writing. You need to make sure it covers the key elements of Motivation, Exploration and Suitability, and doesn’t miss out anything important that Admissions Tutors will be looking for.

2. Make a plan

If you start trying to write your Personal Statement without a plan, you probably won’t get very far!

Before you start writing in full sentences and paragraphs, create a list with bullet points of everything you want to include in your Personal Statement. Or you might want to create a mind map around the themes of Motivation, Exploration and Suitability to make sure you’re covering all the criteria.

When you have noted down all of these ideas, figure out any connections between them and organise them into a plan for your Personal Statement. You will find the writing process significantly easier (and less daunting) if you start with a plan already in place.


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3. Write a bad first draft

When you start writing, remember that your Personal Statement doesn’t need to be perfect in its first iteration.

After coming up with your plan, write a first draft which includes everything you want to say, but don’t agonise over the wording of every sentence. Also, don’t worry too much about going over the word count for now, because you can easily cut out words later. If, on the other hand, you’re struggling to meet the word count, go back to the planning stage and try to think of more examples that prove your strength as a candidate.

You should feel a sense of relief when you’ve completed your first draft, even if it isn’t brilliant! From this point, you can rewrite your Personal Statement as much as you want until you’re happy with it. Make sure you check these dos and don’ts to avoid making some common mistakes.

4. Get feedback

It can be difficult to look at your own work with a critical eye, so getting feedback is an important part of the Personal Statement writing process.

In the early stages of planning, you might to discuss ideas with a friend, family member or someone else who knows you well. You never know – they might remember something that you had forgotten about!

When you’ve written your Personal Statement, it’s a good idea to get feedback from a friend, family member or teacher who can comment on its readability and might pick up on spelling mistakes or typos that you had missed. You may also want to get a Personal Statement review from a Medical School student or an Admissions Tutor who would be able to give you more expert feedback on the content and structure.


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