Create some sort of plan for yourself. Some people prefer a rigid schedule, whereas others a simple checklist of things that need to be done. You know what works best for you and what you’re more likely to stick to, so you’ve got to find your own way of doing it.
Whichever you choose to plan your revision, the important thing is making sure you’re looking at everything you’ve got left to cover. Then you can divide the work across the time you have left – this is absolutely vital to make sure you finish everything in good time!
Read our top tips on how to create an effective revision timetable>>
At this stage, the large majority of your revision should be done, with notes written and topics covered you may be wondering what you can possibly do now. This period of time is vital for consolidating all that you know.
You should be creating nice revision summaries. I created a one-page summary for every topic in Biology. (I’ve uploaded my year 1 summaries and my year 2 summaries for you all – feel free to use them!)
You might like to create mind maps, flashcards…it’s up to you! You could even try writing out everything you know on a particular subject and then look back at your comprehensive set of notes or a textbook to check your understanding.
See 5 tips for revising A-Level Biology>>
The process of summarising should surface topics that you’re not fully comfortable with. You must spend this time tackling these areas, you can’t afford to brush them under the carpet unnoticed.
Watch videos, look at revision guides, ask friends – try and erase all the question marks you have! And if none of these help, make a list of all the things you haven’t fully understood so you can ask your teacher once you return. Some schools/colleges hold revision sessions, so it might be worth taking your questions there so you’re using the sessions effectively.
See 3 most effective A-Level revision tips>>
As you probably already know, past papers are the ultimate secret to success. Spend the Easter break going through as many of them as you can! Space them out equally to make sure every last one will be finished before the exam day.
Keep a score sheet and write down your score and grade, so you after you’ve been through all of the papers you’ll be able to repeat the ones you didn’t do so well on. A score sheet should also be able to show you that you’re improving over time, and everyone needs a boost of motivation like that from time to time!
See top 5 Chemistry revision tips>>
Although these two weeks should be packed with revision, don’t forget that Easter is still a holiday, so do remember to take a breather once in a while. Go for a walk outside, spend some time with your family in between revision sessions.
You need to make sure you’re not burning yourself out. Short breaks will actually help you to focus better when you get back, so a day or two relaxing will not harm!
Masumah is a 1st year medical student at the University of Manchester. She writes a blog documenting her experience through medical school and also giving tips to aspiring medics:
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